Pocket-Sized Podcasting With Alitu

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Alitu: The Podcast Maker

01 March 2024

1m 29s

How to Promote Your Podcast on the Radio or in Newspapers



Welcome to Pocket-Sized Podcasting, brought to you by Alitu: The Podcast Maker. And on this episode, we’re talking about pitching to traditional media outlets like newspapers and radio. With a compelling story, you can draw new eyes or ears to your podcast. Some of the folks reading or listening might be in your target audience, and those are the ones you’re hoping will check out your show. Of course, it isn’t enough to go and tell your local paper you run a podcast. They’ll just think “okay, so what?”. Instead, there needs to be a compelling human story there. Some examples could be - Podcaster helps listener launch their own business after they were made redundant - Podcaster helps listener to learn Spanish and land dream tourism job - Podcaster helps budding young author to win short story competition The story doesn’t need to be about a listener, either, it could be about you - Podcaster was given a month to live. Now she’s helping others battle back from cancer - Podcaster had a childhood speech impediment. Now they talk to hundreds - Podcaster was rejected from art school. Now, show has helped them to sell first painting Notice that these focus on a transformation. Journalists love that stuff, and it’s the very basis of any story ever told. So what’s your story? For a deeper dive on this topic, head on over to [thepodcasthost.com/journalists](http://thepodcasthost.com/journalists)