Pocket-Sized Podcasting With Alitu

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Alitu: The Podcast Maker

13 March 2024

1m 18s

How to Start Your Listener Survey



Welcome to Pocket-Sized Podcasting, brought to you by Alitu: The Podcast Maker. And on this episode, we’re talking about how to start your listener survey. Lots of people might click on and start your survey, but not all of them will finish it. So how do we get the maximum amount of people through to the end? Open with some easy low-hanging fruit multiple-choice questions. Obviously, you still want these to be useful to you; otherwise, you’re wasting their time and yours. But get them ticking those wee boxes, and they’ll be more likely to fill out any text boxes and personal details that follow. Text boxes and personal details are the exact things you don’t want to open with. Most people feel busy, and when they see a big empty box, they’ll just assume your entire survey is going to take a lot of time, and a lot of typing. People are wary of giving away personal info, too. If you need to ask for things like names or email addresses, then leave this til the end. At least they’re going to feel like they’ve bought into it by then. And you can always allow them to skip these options if they’d like to. Thanks for listening to Pocket-Sized Podcasting. For a deeper dive on this topic, head on over to [thepodcasthost.com/howtosurvey](http://thepodcasthost.com/howtosurvey)