Pocket-Sized Podcasting With Alitu

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Alitu: The Podcast Maker

24 May 2022


The How-To - Creating Shareable Content



Welcome to Pocket-Sized Podcasting, brought to you by Alitu: The Podcast Maker. And on this episode, we’re talking about the how-to method, when it comes to creating shareable content. This is the classic problem-solution pairing. What are your audience struggling with? What do they need help with? You might already have a decent idea of this, based on our recent ‘Question Research’ episode. Starting your title with, “How to” is arguably the most effective way of getting folks to click on it. You might say “well, that’s just clickbait”. But is it really “just clickbait” if it delivers what it promises? Some examples of ‘how-to’ episodes that’ll have their target audience hitting play without a second thought are - ‘How to become a scratch golfer’ - ‘How to improve your sleep quality’ - ‘How to talk to your kids about grief’ - And, ‘How to pass your driving test’ For an in-depth look at creating shareable content, head on over to http://ThePodcastHost.com/shareable