Pocket-Sized Podcasting With Alitu

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Alitu: The Podcast Maker

10 April 2024

1m 12s

Advertising on Overcast and Other Podcast Listening Apps



Welcome to Pocket-Sized Podcasting, brought to you by Alitu: The Podcast Maker. And on this episode, we’re talking about advertising on Overcast and other podcast listening apps. This type of advertising is hugely effective, because 100% of the folks you reach are podcast listeners who’re actively browsing their app. There’s no education needed here whatsoever, it’s just down to your show’s title, topic, and snippet. Overcast ads appear as unobtrusive little banners, which the app’s users see at the bottom of their screen. This means they're literally one click away from browsing your podcast inside their chosen listening app. And one more click away from hitting Play or Subscribe. Costs here vary on category and demand. Overcast also estimates the number of clicks and subscribers you’ll get via your ad, so you can weigh up the potential ROI. Overcast isn’t the only listening app you can run ads on, either. Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podbay, and Player FM are other options you might want to consider, too. For a deeper dive on this topic, head on over to [thepodcasthost.com/advertising](http://thepodcasthost.com/advertising)