Pocket-Sized Podcasting With Alitu

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Alitu: The Podcast Maker

08 March 2024

1m 1s

Growing Your Audience by Knowing Your Audience



Welcome to Pocket-Sized Podcasting, brought to you by Alitu: The Podcast Maker. And this week, we’re going to focus on running a listener survey. When we’re trying to grow our podcast audience, it’s easy to go chasing after new listeners. But one of the best approaches is simply to look after the folks who’re already listening. If you do that, your numbers will grow by default. Think about it. You’re already creating content that people like. They choose to listen to you already. So asking them for some info and opinions can be like mining gold. Your existing fans are your biggest marketers. So make them feel valued, and heard. You’ll get some great new content ideas, opportunities to tighten up your content, and a clearer idea of how people find you and what keeps them listening. On tomorrow’s episode of Pocket-Sized Podcasting, we’ll look at some tools for hosting your survey. In the meantime, for a deeper dive, head on over to [thepodcasthost.com/howtosurvey](http://thepodcasthost.com/howtosurvey)