Pocket-Sized Podcasting With Alitu

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Alitu: The Podcast Maker

06 March 2024

1m 11s




Welcome to Pocket-Sized Podcasting, brought to you by Alitu: The Podcast Maker. And on this episode, we’re talking about newsjacking. This sounds a bit sleazy, but, think of newsjacking as connecting with topics that are on people’s minds right now. You want to do this with some sensitivity. It’s good to make the most of current events, but you don’t want to exploit someone else’s pain. Start with something that is likely to be in the news for a while, so your episode is still relevant by the time you finish editing and release it into the world. Looking on Twitter and Google for trending topics is a good idea, though these tend to have a short shelf life in the cultural memory. Sometimes trending topics are a flash in the pan. People may have forgotten about it by the time you get your episode edited, polished and uploaded. So what big ongoing stories in your topic, niche, or industry can you contribute to? This won’t just help with finding new listeners, either. Your existing audience will appreciate it a lot, too. Thanks for listening to Pocket-Sized Podcasting. And be sure to check out our ultimate content promotion manual over at [thepodcasthost.com/podcastgrowthbook](http://thepodcasthost.com/podcastgrowthbook)